As an intern in the Volvo Innovation department, I built an IoT solution to track the movement of trucks in and out of repair stalls along the Mack Trucks assembly line. As a vehicle moves into a repair stall, a Lidar sensor will trigger a servo-mounted camera to scan for a identification QR code on the truck’s windshield. A Raspberry Pi will then pull up the list of repairs on a touch screen for the repair worker. The Pi simultaneously updates an AWS database with the truck ID and on going repair. The goal is for management to know which trucks are in repair at every moment and collect data for a time study on each repair type.
My final presentation was given to over 200 Volvo employees including VP and upper management. I received high praise and was featured in Volvo’s internal newsletter.
Algorithm Structure (Java, JavaFX) Stall Diagram Camera and GUI in a Stall
Sample code found here: